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 2NE1 heading to Singapore

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It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember ♥

Pranešimų skaičius : 514
Join date : 2012-03-07
Miestas : Neverland

2NE1 heading to Singapore Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: 2NE1 heading to Singapore   2NE1 heading to Singapore Icon_minitimePen. 12 28, 2012 4:06 pm

2NE1 heading to Singapore 486187_490733024280368_1516129856_n2NE1 heading to Singapore 598476_490733077613696_818274171_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 198191_490733120947025_1350828787_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 16151_490733174280353_1412791523_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 603946_490733210947016_484776960_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 556940_490733247613679_1792352478_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 399339_490733350947002_1151407432_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 399281_490733494280321_1623227562_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 556749_490733764280294_1373905033_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 302892_490733927613611_1157953772_n
2NE1 heading to Singapore 76424_490734054280265_686810535_n
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2NE1 heading to Singapore
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